Reconstruction of one of the Zombie Walkers by Lon Strickler
The witness, going by the name of ‘NG’, is a truck driver in North America, and says that ‘see some of the most beautiful things this great country has to offer’, but has also seen some of the most gruesome and horrific things in the country, like the mangled bodies of roadkill animals and ‘cars and people equally unrecognizable’. Even when faced with all this, NG will never forget what they saw one night, as they were driving at 0300 MDT* along the ‘desolate’ I-80 in Wyoming.
Meeting the Horde[]
A thick fog suddenly rolled up out of nowehere, ‘and the air was almost electrified’. NG didn’t pay much attention to it, and at that point they just slowed down, put on their 4-ways and carried on driving. However, that’s when they saw a figure staggering away from what appeared to be a broken-down vehicle on the shoulder of the road. They were about to stop and call 911 when they saw a chunk of flesh fall from the humanoid’s face before it ‘turned and just stared with these bright red eyes’. NG was driving at about 5mph at this time, but quickly accelerated up to 45mph when they saw ‘another 20 or 30 walking along the interstate all with these bright red eyes and rotten flesh’. They didn’t stop until they reached Ft. Brdiger, and it was then that the fog cleared. When they got there, they saw an Army convoy, which had previously been breaking at the truck-stop, head off in the direction of the undead horde.
*I don’t know what this means and I can’t find any other references to it as a unit of speed measurement.
Searching For Another Victim[]
Apparently a few of their fellow truckers have told NG that the entities they saw were called the ‘Wyoming Zombie Walkers’, and that they will wander around any given stretch of highway or back-road in their namesake state in search of ‘their next human victim’. NG ends their story by saying that there are ‘a lot of weird things out on these roads’, and warns any other truckers reading their story to stay home if they possibly can because they can’t ever ‘know what’s around that next corner or waiting just beyond the reach of your lights’.