One peaceful night in 1998, Ibrahim Ismail and several friends were out fishing in an unnamed lagoon in the tropical Maldives. The night in question was rather chilly, but the group apparently sat out there for quite a while, and eventually caught sight of another figure which they took to be a man. However, as it moved closer to them they quickly realised that their companion was anything but human...
The Lagoon Colossus[]
The man-like shape was stood about 100ft away from the fishermen, however - as it moved towards them they soon realised that it was not a 'man' and was rather a 'monster'. They estimated it to be around 10ft tall, and they found themselves rooted to the spot with abject terror as the creature encroached on their position. Their lives must have been flashing before their eyes by the time they were able to move again, and when they were finally able to do so they bolted back towards the shore with adrenaline-fuelled speed.
Stealing glances behind them as they ran, they could see now that the oversized anthropoid had large eyes which glowed brightly with uncanny light. When the panicked gaggle of youths arrived the shore, they were presumably dismayed to see that the giant had followed them there - but this trepidation was soon replaced with relief when the ghastly apparition vanished instantaneously. Maybe it couldn't cross the threshold of the beach or something like that?
One month later, the humongous humanoid horror would once again emerge from the frigid depths to scare the bejesus out of another man who was fishing in the same lagoon. He claimed to see the creature suddenly leave the water before walking across its surface - all the while its eyes glowed in the same haunting fashion as earlier reported.